
John Barry & Mark Swist Dubli Team

Thank you for joining us on this wonderful opportunity. John and I have talked so much about giving back and paying it forward. We both felt like this was the opportunity in which we could help our friends, families, and associates generate passive income. This is a very unique opportunity that will give yourself a chance to not only make passive income, but learn how making money online works. The biggest advantage from this opportunity is truly “Knowledge”. You see as people buy things online, a company generates profits. The people who help facilitate that sale through channels in which you will learn more about, gets a cut of that profit. This is the “Mail Box Money” that I constantly refer to.

Step 1. Dubli Signup (For Free)

The first step is to just go ahead and signup for Dubli as a customer ( Click Here ). It will be beneficial for you if you decide to partake on this opportunity or not. This will help you understand how Dubli works and give you a chance to get cash back on your purchases any way. So Before you go any further, please Sign up… here is a link

Step 2. Learn How Money Can be Made from Dubli

In this step we need you to understand how you can make money from joining the Dubli team. I am currently on the Dubli team as  Business Associate, so I will use myself in the money formula below to show you how I plan to make $100K (or more) per year. After the first year, I will make $100K on autopilot without no work involved. You will make the same amount as well, bring your effort and zeal.

Dubli earns a commission from each customer that shops thru Dubli shopping mall. This commission varies (e.g., Walmart offers 0.5%, Home Depot 1.5%, etc) per store. Dubli has over 4000 stores to shop from. Dubli pays me 25% of their commission if  my customer purchase something through Dubli.

For example, let’s say Mary is one of my customers that signed up under my Dubli referral link through one of my online marketing strategies that I will teach you. Mary spends $1000 at Home Depot shopping online and receives a cash back. Dubli earns $15 ($1000×1.5%=$15).  I earn $3.5 ($15×25%=$3.5). This example applies to anytime Mary purchases something on online from any store. Its get better! If Mary is a V.I.P. member ($99 per year) of Dubli which means she earns more cash back per purchase, I receive 25% (or $25 per year) of VIP membership fee.

My personal goal is to sign up 3500 customers who wants to save money when they buy things online they will buy anyway. I AM NOT SELLING THEM NOTHING, just showing them how to earn cash back for buying things they already buying or planning to travel.

Let’s assume each of my 3500 customers spends about $4000 buying stuff and traveling per year.

Dubli receives an average merchant commission of let’s say 3% (rough estimate) from the $4000 purchases. The commissions vary per store so we use 3% commission average from all the stores.

Dubli revenue per year – 3500x4000x.03 = $420K (Dubli makes $420K from my 3500 spending $4K each)

My revenue per year – 420k x 25% = $105K per year (I make $105K from my 3500 spending $4K each)

Let’s say my 3500 customers all upgrade from FREE Dubli member to VIP member to earn more cash back. I will earn $87.5K (3500x$25=$87.5k) per year along with $105K, for a total of  $192.5K per year. Even though I plan to make $100K per year, I am giving myself a $92k cushion.

Quiz time! Can you estimate how much I will make the second year from these 3500 customers? You guessed right, another $105K, and maybe even more if I sign up more customers. But if I do absolutely nothing that next year, I still recieve $105K from my 3500 customers who may spend more the second year shopping online.

If you want you want 2000, 5000, or even 10000 customers, use the formula above to estimate your yearly passive income. You choose your own income, WE TEACH YOU how to obtain the customers.

Risk: As with any business in the world, there are risks of not producing an income. Here are the risk with this opportunity:

1. You sign up 0 customers. No customers signups equals no money earned.

2. You sign up customers and they do not spend any money shopping online. You don’t earn commission if they customers do not spend money.

Both of these risks are reduce by joining our team because #1 We are experts in online customer acquisition methods #2 We are experts in online customer marketing.

Step 3. Signup For Dubli as a Business Partner

Sign Up Costs:

1. $599 – Team Member Package . You will receive 5 free VIP vouchers

2. $2495 – Team Leader Accelerator Package. You will receive 10 free VIP vouchers and the ability to sign up Non-Profit Organization and rank up faster through the Dubli Compensation Plan. Most people choose TLA but you can always join as TM.

Once you sign up, call me and I will walk you through getting everything started, introduce you to our team members and provide you online marketing tools and one-on-one start-up training to get earning fast as possible. We will help you get started.

Keep in mind once you join with us, you are also member of Team WUKAR and have access to their rotators, training methods, and a host of great information to grow your business.

TM Versus TLA

So, lets think. I invested $2495, some hard work and effort and my return in $105K. If you know any other business that is offering this type of return, please call me ASAP, lets talk.

Step 4. Signup For Wukar Google+ Community

There is a huge group of people with one common goal with Dubli. This is the the Wukar (Wake Up Kick Ass Repeat) Google+ Community

Once you sign up, email or call me, and I will inform the Team WUKAR to let you in the community. Its a community of millionaires online marketers, newbies, part-time workers, full-time workers, young and old; however, we all plan to make alot of money. So will you , bring your effort and hardwork.

Step 5. Signup at TeamWukar.com

This is the Team WUKAR website where all members access jobs, marketing tools, and marketing stratgies to obtain customers. Myself and other team member will explain to you in detail once you join the team. We are currently working together everyday with planning, action taking, and brainstorming together. Welcome to the team. Call if questions please.